Baker, Harold R. (1927-)

Harold Baker, 1960.
University of Saskatchewan Archives A-8450

Harold R. Baker directed the Consulting Division of the Centre for Community Studies from 1958 to 1963, served as director of University Extension from 1963 to 1973, and continued as professor of Extension and administrator of the Community and Rural Development Program (1974–94) at the University of Saskatchewan. His research and teaching interests included agricultural extension, community planning, and rural development. During his tenure, changes took place in extension administration, adult education, community development, and professional education. Starting in 1963, the university extension function was broadened from agriculture and home economics to all university colleges. Baker was instrumental in initiating the first courses in Extension Administration and in Program Planning for extension and community development practitioners. He administered an interdisciplinary Master of Continuing Education degree program (College of Education) and created the Saskatchewan Committee for Rural Area Development, a collaborative, inter-organizational approach to community development training and action, forerunner to the Saskatchewan Council for Community Development (SCCD). Following a term as president of the International Community Development Society (CDS) and the hosting of the CDS international conference in Saskatoon in 1991, the Community Development Society of Saskatchewan (CDSS) was formed. Baker also pioneered educational events on Inter-community Collaboration, on the Business Incubator, and on the Community Development Corporation (CDC).

James McNinch