Women's Musical Club of Saskatoon

In 1912 the Women's Musical Club of Saskatoon was formed to encourage the serious study of music; and it did just that for sixty-six years. Initially, membership was restricted to active members, willing to perform at Club meetings; by the 1950s, however, the Club admitted inactive members - women who would be willing to provide an audience for the performers. From the beginning, prospective active members not only needed a referral from a Club member, but also were required to pass a rigorous audition. Although professional music teachers made up a greater proportion of members than in Regina, most members were middle-class housewives, and all were classically trained musicians.

Seldom having more than forty members, the Club met in members' homes until 1939, after which Club members and their invited guests assembled in various public venues. Their regular meetings featured lectures and essays on musical topics, as well as performances. They covered a wide spectrum of classical music, including new compositions (even some written by Club members). Twice a year the Club held Morning Musicales, public performances by its members that were always well attended. The Club also offered scholarships and prizes to promising, talented students. By 1978 the Club could no longer attract sufficient support; citing “changing times,” it unanimously voted to disband.

Constance A. Maguire

Further Reading

Women's Musical Club of Saskatoon. Papers. B-105. Saskatchewan Archives Board, Saskatoon.